Have you sent your work to agent after agent? Publications around the globe?
Been rejected, or more likely, ignored by all?
Then why not try Eleventh Hour Literary?
Eleventh Hour Literary is the newest biannual journal from Binghamton University. Our editors, all members of the Professional Staff Senate and writers themselves, are no strangers to the crushing rite of “submission” — a word that is often hand in hand with “rejection.”
In the spirit of this, Eleventh Hour Literary will accept stories from anyone — regardless of affiliation with the university — but to be featured, we want your piece to have gone through rejection and revision. Our mission is to create a community of writers who will uplift each other in their perseverance. If you have faith in your piece, send it our way, regardless of genre. Really — we want to read them!
Stephen King’s first novel, Carrie, was rejected at least 30 times. Madeleine L’Engle’s Wrinkle in Time received 26. Jack London received over 600 rejections before publishing a single story. So don’t give up now — the clock is still ticking!