An independent literary press fueled by
coffee and music
Welcome to our submission cafe !
Loud Coffee Press hosts a quarterly literary journal.
Submissions must adhere to the following guidelines
to be considered for acceptance.
***The most important information we can share is that work submitted to Loud Coffee Press does not have to be about coffee or music! We publish all genres of flash fiction, poetry, and art, but each of our published pieces contain some hint(s) of coffee and/or music.***
We are currently CLOSED to flash fiction, poetry, and art submissions.
Submissions do not have to be about coffee or music; they must only contain one or both of these elements in some form (how much or how little is up to you). We are not interested in works based on current events. We view Loud Coffee Press as an escape from the 24-hour news cycle, so we tend to pass over submissions related to the news of the day.
When considering coffee, for example, think about characters drinking, making, or buying coffee. Coffee can be a smell. The setting can be a cafe. Be creative. Coffee can be a major or the most minor of elements. Or, music is present in some way, whether it’s playing on a radio, or in the background, or the characters are discussing music. The birds are singing. Again, points for creativity. Please do not violate copyright laws when incorporating music. We don’t like that kind of thing here. Every other part of your story is up to you.
- Flash fiction submissions can run from 99 to 1000 words. We love to see what you can do on the shorter end of the word count. We seek stories that have the three important elements of flash: emotion, the turn (or the twist) and resonance. We look for a compressed arc in a narrow space.
- Poetry submissions must include reference to coffee and/or music but do not necessarily need to contain both. Please limit poetry to no more than three (3) poems.
- Art submissions (photographic or other) must include reference to or interpretation of coffee and/or music but do not necessarily need to contain either. Please limit to no more than three (3) files of high resolution .JPEG or .GIF formats.
Procedures for All Submissions
- Please read all guidelines before submitting.
- Submissions are only considered via the Duotrope submission engine.
- We prefer Times New Roman, size 12-point font in .DOC, .DOCX, or .RTF format and .JPEG or .GIF for art.
- We are not interested in work with political or pandemic-related themes.
- You may have up to one flash fiction piece, OR up to three poems, OR up to three art pieces in our queue at any given time.
- We are open to simultaneous submissions, however, should your submission be accepted elsewhere, please notify us immediately via the Duotrope submission engine.
- We try our best to respond to all submissions within 90 days.
If we publish your work, we require first electronic rights and nonexclusive right to display, copy, publish, distribute, transmit and sell digital and print reproductions; we may include your story in our archived material and social media.
Fiction/Poetry/Art Reprint Submissions
Loud Coffee Press does not accept unsolicited fiction and poetry reprint submissions. We do accept art reprints.
We are a non-paying journal, but you will earn our immense gratitude, virtual cheers, and rock fingers.
Visit their site HERE