Historical Fiction

I’ve decided to self-publish my first novel. Well, just to clarify, I made the decision after ten refusals by literary agents. Without a platform of some kind, it appears to be difficult to get a book published through traditional channels today. I guess it’s understandable; these people need to make money, and so, yet another detective novel by a TV personality is likely to sell better than something written by a nobody.
I’m not bitter. (Much.)
Of course, it could be that my book is crap. I’m a newbie, after all. I’m pretty sanguine about the whole thing. I write for my own pleasure, and while I wouldn’t turn down a million pound advance for the next six issues in the series, I didn’t get into this with any real expectation of making a living.
It would be nice to cover the costs, though. Editing is a whole lot more expensive than I anticipated. For anyone reading this and just about to send their work to be edited, I advise you to shop around. I was quoted prices between £3000 and £600 to work on the same piece by different editors.
With luck, the book should be out on Amazon around the middle of March 2025. At the moment, it’s still called “When America Sneezes.” This may change as my first editor cut out much of the American story.
I’ll post the book’s original long-form version on this website in the coming weeks.
Thanks for reading. Catch you soon